Regional network proves its worth in the Corona crisis – tsf still fully deliverable


Tübingen, 23.03.2020
For immediate publication

Since its foundation in 1968, the family-run company tsf Tübingen Stahlfeinguss has placed great emphasis on regional networks and supply chains, from mould making to the procurement of raw materials and the reprocessing of the finished castings. How resilient this network is, despite the current events around the Coronavirus, is now being demonstrated: The company is still capable of on time delivering and offers its customers security of supply.

The “fastest steel foundry in Europe” supports its customers throughout the manufacturing process of steel casting in the lost wax casting process, from the production of moulds to the mechanical production of the lost wax models for casting, through selection and qualification of the right material up to the post-processing of the castings with regard to critical geometries. With ready-to-assembly solutions from a single source, tsf offers its customers not only outstanding quality, but above all an outstanding mix of possibilities that is precisely tailored to the individual needs of the customers.

Martin Krämer Director Sales & Marketing

The currently rampant Corona virus does not change this: “Personal meetings are currently cancelled to protect our customers and employees,” says tsf Managing Director Stephan Strohbücker, “but the current online tools are used to provide direct support and continuation of customer projects at all times. For our young team, this way of working is routine.” His colleague Martin Krämer, Sales Manager at tsf, adds: “We are all accessible through the usual communication channels and above all speak the language of our customers. This takes “NetMeetings” a huge hurdle, because there are no misunderstandings.”

The raw material warehouse at tsf, otherwise always a regular discussion point with the tax advisor, pays off in these times. The supply of raw steels is guaranteed at all times via a wide network of suppliers. Already in the past, the traditional Swabian steel foundry took care to share knowledge and, if possible, not to allow singular knowledge. This is also a decision of principle, which today helps the company to ensure a high level of security of supply for its customers.

Also the risk-optimized dual sourcing of tsf is not affected by Corona. This means the family-run Swabian company’s long-standing partnership with qualified foundries in Asia in order to offer price-sensitive customers in Europe a combination of the advantages of both sourcing opportunities: manufacturing, in particular, high volumes, takes place in Asia, the quality planning and testing, post-processing and responsibility for the entire supply chain continues to be at tsf in Tübingen. This gives European customer the cost-optimized solution and still benefits from contact persons in its time zone. In addition, the company has the possibility to ramp up production in Germany within 30 days only. On this basis, “Europe’s fastest steel foundry” is also an important part of companies’ risk management and helps to minimize process costs and supply chain risks – an unmistakable advantage in globalized times.


Contakt: Tom Weber
Phone: +49 30 585 846 011